About Us

Our club began as an idea in 1985 and in February of 1986 we held our inaugural meeting in Courtice, Ontario. We applied for CKC club recognition in 1986, We held our first Booster at the Caledon KC show in Toronto on November 20, 1986, with an entry of 4-9-9-6. Our exhibitors came from Ontario, Nova Scotia, New York, Michigan and Wisconsin. A good start for our Club!

Our first elected executive was:
President - Susan Hild
Vice-President - Louise Raymond
Secretary/Treas. - Kerry Meydam
Director - Betty McHugh
Director - Connie Gaskin
Director - Deanna Ross

Over the years we have held Boosters and matches and had fund-raising and educational events. We held Sanction Matches for SAC so that the independent National Specialty in 1989 (Windsor) would be able to hold Specialty Obedience Trials with the Specialty, which they did.

In 1986 we presented our proposed revisions to the Breed Standard to SAC for discussion, and although SAC decided at that time not to submit the standard to the CKC for publication/approval, we waited the required 5 years (moratorium) and re-presented the newly written standard to SAC and to CKC, which was approved by SAC in 1991 and by CKC in September 1992, and became effective January 1, 1993 as our National Breed Standard for the Samoyed.

Over the years we have contributed a great deal to our National Club and to the Samoyed Fancy. Now it's time we concentrated on some more local goals. We will be holding our own Obedience and Conformation Sanction Matches in the near future (within CKC time requirements) so that SACO will be permitted to hold both at our future Specialties. Our first all-breed match (this time around) was held on August 25, 2001, and and was a fun day with an excellent judging panel, beautiful rosettes, and refreshments available. Our second all-breed obedience and conformation match was held on June 13, 2002, in Orono, Ontario, and our third match will be announced soon.

While holding shows is important, our club is geared toward fun, friendly sportsmanship, education and 'unofficial' events as well.

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$15 (individual)  or $25 (family) for 2002.


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